Friday, June 21, 2013

My New Toy/Tool
and Knee Surgery Progress

My six year-old (or is it seven?) Toshiba has been acting wonky so I went out and purchased a Dell Inspiron 15 with Windows 7 via the Dell web page. Had a lovely chat with a gal on that page who lead me through the purchase process after I went there to "window shop" but had a few questions that needed answering. One thing lead to another and...well, FedEx delivered the laptop Thursday afternoon. About one week from the time I placed the order.

 It's like Christmas in June.

I spent the better part of the afternoon and evening playing with the new computer: downloading software, trying to learn where all the bells and whistles are, transferring files from the old computer, etc.

 A couple of questions/comments:
  • Why doesn't the software you've purchased not come on a CD anymore? Yeah, you can purchase CD backups for SOME of the programs but that suggestion/request often comes in the middle of your downloading/installing the online version and is never seen again if you skip it the first time.
  • Why do you have to download it after creating a Microsoft account? (Why don't they tell you to create that account first on the little postage card sheet they DO provide with your 25 digit code that you've got to enter like four times--I've just about got it memorized!?) 
  • Without a manual--or a teenager in the house--how do they expect new computer people to get things up and running in a reasonable period of time? Sure. Some of it is intuitive, but there are some step-by-step online instructions that seem to be missing a few steps or that make some great assumptions as to the skill level of the user. They really need to test their directions with people who can barely turn the machine on as well as those capable of doing full diagnostics.
  •  I've been using computers since the Apple IIGS and windows machines from just after DOS; I've run into just about anything 12 year-old kids can do to a machine (Macs were a snap to fix. Windows machines--not so much.) and I still like to have a manual that I do not have to order from the folks with the Dummies books. (Not that there's anything wrong with the Dummies series. They are entertaining and very informative. It's just that most are also outdated too soon after you've purchased them due to the updates to software.) 
  • Speaking of updates: It's a brand new computer fresh from Dell-land. Why does it have to update Windows on the first day it's turned on?
  • Some simple explanation of some of the little programs that are part and parcel of Windows 7 would be helpful, too. Even a little tutorial that could be viewed for the newbie. (Sure, I can find them on YouTube, but there I've got to winnow out the dross from the gems. Why not get an "official Microsoft Windows" version right up front?)
Okay. Enough. I've got to get back to the work of making sure I've got everything from the Toshiba to the Dell. So far the only thing the Toshiba is reluctant to give up is the save mail from AOL. I've found directions on how to move it, but the Toshiba won't let me copy and paste the file. Keeps telling me the file is in use and that I need to close all programs using it. BUT, I haven't got any programs least none that I started.


I've got a final(?) date for the replacement of my knees: July 15. They've moved it twice but this one seems pretty fixed.

I've had the X-rays and MRIs to be used in constructing the template for cutting the ends of the bones in each leg. They are also used to make sure the joint doesn't add or subtract from the length of the leg(s). I wanted an extra 1/2 to 1 inch but they said no.

I've met with the PA, Kim Ryan, to discuss the procedures leading up to and immediately after surgery.

Today I go to Corning Hospital to attend Joint Camp. Basically the care and exercise needed prior to and post operation.

Then, next Tuesday I see my phsyician for preop inspection and blood work.