Sunday, October 09, 2005

Log Home: Ordering Engineer's Drawings

Terry and I drove out to Beaver Mountain Log Homes on Friday (before the rain moved in) to meet with sales rep Joan Decker about ordering our log home package and the engineer's drawings (blue prints). We discussed the very few changes that we wanted to make. They were very minor changes dealing with the placement of an attic stairway in the laundry room so we could get up to the space above the garage.

While the changes were minor the commitment made at this meeting was major. With the payment of 10% of the package's price and the setting of a delivery date (April 19, 2006 or the nearest open delivery date) we stepped out onto the bridge over the chasm. (Remember the last Indiana Jones movie? When he has to take that first step off the cliff face and finds himself on the tiny foot bridge leading to the hall where the Holy Grail is located.) Guess we are committed now. (Some might say we should have been committed a long time ago, but that's a different story.)

We have another meeting with our contractor scheduled for October 29th to iron out some details and work out a contract. Then in December we will meet with M & T Mortgage of Lancaster, PA to arrange financing.

1 comment:

Gun Trash said...

Just curious - what floor plan or model did you choose?