1/2 inch thick steel poles were bent by a night time visitor. I had a tough time straightening them back up so it was a very big visitor.
Terry was also puzzled as to why one of the hummingbird feeders would not hold any liquid—until I pointed to the hole made in the side by the same visitor.

A bear's tooth punctured one of the hummingbird feeders.
It’s that time of year when two year old “cubs” are chased away by mom to find their own way while she finds a mate for next winter’s brood. There’s lots of territory covered as the youngsters wonder about and as the older males search out receptive females.
Sooooo, the feeders now come in every night and go out again every morning. I'd pull them completely but we still have the hummingbirds, goldfinches, purple finches, rose-breasted grosbeaks, and a few others showing up every day.
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