Friday, February 03, 2012

Ho-hum. Nothing new here

Seems ever year we get a report of something like this:
18-Mile Crack Seen by NASA in Antarctic Glacier
In the next few months, scientists expect the glacier to create an iceberg about 350 square miles in area. It will probably float northward, melting as it goes.

And at about this time of year, too. Problem is, the glaciers push out onto the sea, become unsupported from below and crack. Do they then float off as the article suggests? Sometimes. But just as often they refreeze when the Antarctic winter reappears. Which happens to be right around the corner.

ps Don't believe the tag line at the end of the article that says both poles are losing ice. Aint' happening.


Rev. Paul said...

Icecap melting is not only NOT happening, it's reversing. They just don't want us to notice.

Remember the Russian tanker that just returned from delivering oil to Nome? That one that needed an ice-breaker to get through nearly 400 miles of sea ice to get there, and back again? That ice, on the west coast of Alaska, is SOUTH of the arctic circle.

Global warming, my Aunt Fanny!

joated said...

I read somewhere that the ice in the Bering Sea was advancing south at a rate of 20 miles a day. That imperils the crab fishing fleet that's part of The Most Dangerous Catch which still has its pots in the water. Should be an intersting season.