Saturday, May 01, 2021

Happy May Day!

May has arrived in all its splendor! Okay, maybe not all all. We had winds gusting to over 40 mph during the night and there was a dusting of snow on the nooks and crannies of the deck, house, cars and woods this morning. And it was only 32 degrees at 7 am. But the winds died down, the sun came up over the hill, the sky was definitely more blue than cloudy and the temperature rose to just above 60 degrees this afternoon. All in all a pretty nice day! We better enjoy it while we can. The forecast is for showers and rain Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. ****** We had a male Rose-breasted Grosbeak show up at the feeder yesterday. It was the first of the year for us. Usually they are going to feed on a larger feeder than the tube feeders I have hanging out next to my suet feeder, but he did alright. Came back all throughout the day despite the strong winds and occasional rain showers we had. It, or another like it, showed up again today. Our regular visitors--Black-capped Chickadees, Tufted Titmice, House Finches, Red-breasted Nuthatches, Red-bellied Woodpeckers, Downy Woodpeckers, Hairy Woodpeckers, and Blue Jays--continue to come to the feeders. ****** Early last night while I was in bed, I heard something climb the corner of the house. It was probably a raccoon looking to rob a Robin's nest. We've had several built on the extending ends of the logs. We also have two phobe nests built over the windows. Unfortunately, the phobe's aren't using them this spring and that's a shame because there are pleny of small flies on the truck and car when I go out in the morning. The sound of the critter climbing the corner reminded me that I had forgotten to bring the bird feeders in from the deck. Well, they would have to take their chances as I certainly wasn't going to get out of bed to retrieve them at 11 pm. Turns out only the suet feeder was hit. Two half cakes of suet were gone. At least the feeder wasn't destroyed. ****** Terry had another day of zoom class in Japanese bead embroidery today. About a dozen women are in "attendance" with one teacher. I got a look at the work and it is pretty detailed. THey have one more full day tomorrow and then a follow-up group gabfest tomorrow evening.

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