Saturday, February 11, 2006

Ice Cream Time (Isn’t it always?)

As an ice cream fanatic, and something of an aficionado, I may have to start searching out this brand in the local 7-Elevens. Star Spangled Ice Cream Company sounds like it has some great flavors, just the right amount of humor (and un-pc attitude), and they are all-American. With flavors like Air Force “Plane” Vanilla, Fightin’ Marine Tough Cookies & Cream, G.I. Love Chocolate, Iraqi Road, Navy BattleCHIP, Smaller GovernMINT, Gun Nut, I Hate The French Vanilla, and Nutty Environmentalist how can you go wrong.

While B & J make some fine ice cream, their politics just rankles the hell out of me. Besides, they sold out to Lever of Belgium, so they, technically, aren’t even American any more.

Brands like Turkey Hill, Eddy’s, et. al. have a nice creamy consistency, but their choice of flavors is somewhat limited and unimaginative. And Breyer’s, while okay for a quick fix just doesn’t have that creamy texture I really desire.

Stewart’s Shops (they’re up in the Adirondacks and have, as far as I have been able to determine, nothing to do with the root beer joints that used to dot the New Jersey landscape) have some fine flavors like Crumbs Along the Mohawk and ADIRONDACK BEAR PAW (to name two of my favorites) plus Mint Marcy and Medieval Madness. (You can see all their flavors here.

(Incidently, nothing beats making your own in a big churn/freezer with it's dasher scraping the tiniest of ice crystals off the inner walls of a tub that holds a full gallon. I damn near cried when I put my old trusty out to the curb due to 1) rust and a dead motor and 2) cholestorol.)


Gun Trash said...

Capitalism, it's the best concept going. Ice cream with a conservative bent to it. I love it!

Bob said...

Loved Edy's Boardwalk Waffle Cone but it was, alas, a "Limited Edition."