Monday, February 05, 2007

Must See Video

The video GUYK has a link to here is frightening and enlightening. But, as he says in his post, I fear he may be preaching to the choir.

BTW: I’m adding GUYK’s blog Charming, Just Charmingto my list to the right. I find many of his post amusing and some extremely thought provoking. (Although the language can get a tad salty at times. ;-) Go over and read some of the humorous posts like this one: The Purina Diet Story. (Just put the coffee down first.)

UPDATE: Blogger is giving me a problem with the sidebar update. I've been trying to add the link there but it won't take without bumping Confederate Yankee off the list for some reason. I'll keep trying. *sigh*

UPDATE 2: Finally, after many attempts, I have succeeded in getting Charming, Just Charming on the Blogroll to the right without bumping CY off. I do have two entries for Confederate Yankee in my HTML...but hey, it works!


GUYK said...

Thanks joated. Yeah, I write about like I talk and the site is "R" rated..I do draw the line a porn though..some of my readers are in workplaces where it would not be appreciated.

I am gonna try to get you on my blogroll..

Editor said...

nice site with good pictures.
hope you are doing well.
good luck!

Gun Trash said...

I guess I sorta, kinda knew we had been an islamofascist target for some time, but it took 9/11 to really drive home just how serious and organized it was.

Like I commented there, it's scarier that so many of our fellow citizens don't realize it or the fools that think we only have to negotiate.

Anonymous said...

... salty language?.... say it ain't so!..... oh, and GuyK sent me....


GUYK said...

you might want to try

Makes it a little easier to add to the blog roll than going to the template and using code

I also recommend getting haloscan for spam comments and you can edit or ban commenters