Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Have you seen this...

...piece of head scratching idiocy?

EPA Fines Companies Because They Didn’t Use A Fuel That Doesn’t Exist

John Hayward has a look at...
The Orwellian nightmare of running a business in the shadow of the Obama Administration is nicely captured in this story from the New York Times, which explains why motor fuel companies are about to be fined $6.8 million for failure to use a biofuel that does not exist:

Yeah. Makes perfect sense. Fine them for using something that does not exist because the 2007 law says they must use it or be fined. And, since they are using so little of it this year, next year they must use even more! Or be fined even more!

These fines will, of course, be passed on to the consumer upping the price of fuel.

As John Hayward says in his subtitle for this article: "Gosh, it’s tough to figure out why that recovery is stalled."


Rev. Paul said...

As a man of the cloth, I shouldn't use a pejorative strong enough to express how I feel about this & other, similar stories.

joated said...

I see you used the word "shouldn't" there, Paul, and not "didn't." ;-)

It's okay, we all slip sometimes.

joated said...

I see you used the word "shouldn't" there, Paul, and not "didn't." ;-)

It's okay, we all slip sometimes.