Saturday, June 02, 2012

Conditions at the Aerie
June 2, 2012

When we got back to the Aerie yesterday, I checked the rain gauge to see what we got from the "severe thunderstorm warning" that was issued earlier in the week. There was 1.12 inches of water in the gauge and all the plants (especially the weeds!) in the garden looked pretty good.

The leaf lettuce and beets were doing especially well, but the zukes and cukes had sprouted as had most of the bean seeds I had planted the day before we left. Some of the beans look like they may have lost their seed leaves prematurely and are little more than four inch long spikes, but enough are growing to provide us with an amble amount of fresh string beans starting in a couple of weeks.

I did a little weeding and Terry has thinned out the leaf lettuce providing several nice garden salads.

Last night we got had another sever thunderstorm warning but the heavier showers stayed off to our west. We just got rain. Lots of rain. This morning the gauge held another 1.2 inches of water.

It was quite cool with the outside temps around 50 degrees and a steady breeze blowing dried things out pretty well while we loaded Ricks "stuff" into the truck. The grass got dry enough that I was able to crank the lawn mower up and cut the grass. Despite being fairly dry, it took me a goodly amount of time to get the job done because the grass has grown like wild fire and I had to empty the bag after every second or fourth row.

Terry did some grocery shopping and got all the laundry done today so we've got some clean undies and shirts to wear.

Except for packing our own bags and putting them and some groceries for the trip in to the truck, we are set to go. We'll easily be on the road tomorrow morning before 8 AM. Earlier if our cat alarms go off at 3 AM like they did today!

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