Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Rebuilding a raised bed garden (Part 2)

Couldn't get out there early today as I had a dental appointment over in Wellsboro at 8:30 AM. That was a shame as the temps were int he 60s at that hour and I'm pretty sure I would have enjoyed working then rather than the 75-85 degrees between 10 AM and 5 PM. Oh well, such is life.

Stopped at Lowes on the way back from the dentist and picked up 12 bags of Miracle Gro Garden Soil and two small bales of peat moss. Then went to work:
redistributing/leveling the existing soil
laying the keystone edging along the front...oops! You mean there are two types of block so that they dovetail together better? I didn't notice that until I was part way through the process.
Ended up having to go back to Lowes to get the missing complimentary blocks. And another 12 bags of garden soil and three bags of river pebbles.
laid landscape cloth/weed barrier--that Terry cut while I was doing the back and forth thing with Lowes--along the front back and sides of garden bed and began covering it with stone
Finally got all the keystone edging in place and began to distribute the peat moss and then the garden soil in the bed. I'll let that "dry" over night before raking it out--right after I go get eight more bags of garden soil and four more bags of river pebbles.

Any way, I'm nearly finished. See!

Nearly Finished
I even put in a redwood barrier to keep the oregano and eumonymous in place. And, yes, the keystone edging is lower on the left than on the right. That's the way things are around here. Nothing outside the house is level or flat for any definition of the words "level" or "flat." Everything slopes one way or another. Here, the difference is just 3-1/2 inches on a run of 14 feet. It looks a little strange because that back wall IS level. Otherwise, I think it's just conforming to the curvature of the Earth.

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