Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Storms; Physical and emotional

Well, we ended up getting about 10 inches of very wet heavy snow from late Sunday through Monday evening here at the Aerie. Much of it “fell” horizontally as the winds were quite strong and the result was for drifting up to a foot or more in some spots and scouring to almost nothing in others. I shoveled the deck area several times and found it to be very heavy. Today, I shoveled the driveway since the snow was too wet to use the blower to good effect. Now my back is hurting and we’ve still got snow showers. The temps have hovered just above the freezing mark and when I went down to pick up the mail (and more bird seed) I found the valley to have had much less snow. I guess our added 500 feet of elevation really made a difference.

I’d much rather blog about the weather and birds than talk about any of the major stories going on this past week but I may just have to chime in with my thoughts on the Don Imus affair, the Duke lacrosse three, and the Virginia Tech shootings once I get my thoughts all in order. I did have about three hours of mindless physical labor (shoveling) to cogitate upon these topics.

For now, my prayers are with those who lost loved ones to the senseless actions of Cho Seung-Hui.

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