Friday, March 02, 2007

Consensus? Hardly.

Here’s a report from National Geographic News of a Russian scientist, Habibullo Abdussamatov, head of the St. Petersburg's Pulkovo Astronomical Observatory in Russia, who, using the warming of Mars coinciding with that of Earth, points out that it’s the Sun causing the current increase in Earth's temperatures and not the “massive amounts of CO2” being pumped out by humans. (The author of the piece uses that phrase but makes no mention of the even larger amounts of natural CO2 emissions.)

The last two paragraphs might give a clue as to why there is such a push to do something NOW!
Abdussamatov remains contrarian, however, suggesting that the sun holds something quite different in store.

"The solar irradiance began to drop in the 1990s, and a minimum will be reached by approximately 2040," Abdussamatov said. "It will cause a steep cooling of the climate on Earth in 15 to 20 years."

If Abudssamatov is correct, 15 years from now the wack jobs could claim their actions in reducing greenhouse gases led to the declining temperatures. Think how that could play in boosting egos that are already over inflated.

Should we do nothing extraordinary beyond our current actions to conserve our natural resources, and the temperatures fall anyway, then the curtain will have been drawn back and the Wizard exposed for what he his--a charlatan.

(As seen in the Drudge Report)


Under Irony

This headline also appears on the Drudge Report:
Minnesota Public Radio forum on global warming cancelled -- due to blizzard...
Ya gotta love it!

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