Saturday, March 10, 2007

It's spelled "V.I.C.T.O.R.Y" Senator Clinton

I've tried to stay away from politics here but it's getting more and more difficult every day. I don't feel I have sufficient skills to put my thoughts into words and you'd be better off going to some of the sites on the blogroll to the right of the screen. Today, however, i feel it is necessary to point you to the piece mentioned below.

The New York Post today editorializes about a talk Sen. Hillary Clinton gave at the Center for American Progress. Seems she used some quotes from a speech Franklin D. Roosevelt made several days after Pearl Harbor. It also seems she left some parts of that speech out. See WHAT HILLARY LEFT OUT.

Why can’t they (all politicians, but especially the Democrats in Washington) that there are only two ways to end a war. You either win or you lose. There is no “try” on the battlefield. They (the Dems, including those most vociferous in calling for withdrawal) voted to start the ball. Now they don’t have the guts to finish it. Disgusting.

I can't say I agree with all of his social engineering. He was very heavy handed in some areas and the actions of his administration in the 30s, during the heart of the depression, paved the way for the entitlement programs and mentality of the present. But there was one thing Roosevelt did well. He rallied the nation and the troops in our fight against real fascism and imperialism. And he understood that there was no other way to end a war than by victory.

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