Saturday, May 26, 2007

Endangered? How about existent?

We are coming up on the end of May, right? I thought so. But how to explain this story that sounds like an April Fools’ Day gag?

Endangered Species Protection Sought for Bigfoot

Don’t you need proof that the damn thing exists in the first place before you can go about “protecting” it?
The man behind the petition was a Bigfoot enthusiast named Todd Standing, who claims to have definitive proof of Bigfoot but is withholding it until protection for the alleged animals is in place. “When I get species protection for them nationwide, I will make my findings public and I will take this out of the realm of mythology. Bigfoot is real,” Standing said.

Apparently, the Canadian dollar isn’t the only thing Looney north of the border.

But as Benjamin Radford says:
Protecting endangered species is important for biodiversity, but protecting animals that may not even exist is putting the cart before the unicorn. No one has ever injured or killed a creature not known to exist; Bigfoot and lake monsters are no more in need of legal protection than are leprechauns or dragons. If the creatures are eventually discovered, scientists will do all they can to preserve and study the species. Until then, surely lawmakers have more important things to worry about.

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