Once he was through, the scaffolding came down and then the ladders.

Don and Kyle take down the 32' extension ladder.

The main entrance to the Aerie.

The stone work looks real enough from the ground.
Of course, the stone is really concrete made to look like stone by Corning. There are a few real stones in the mix, but I'll be darned if I can pick them out!
Now Don and I need to talk about gutters and down spouts which were not part of te original contract. And Adam will be coming over to do some spackling in the basement and I will have to think about doing a drop ceiling down there. I'll also be doing some stone work outside with a retaining wall or two. I'll have to find time to construct some flower and garden beds and stain the deck. (Maybe I can dragoon Terry into helping with those two.) That's not to mention going up to the Bolt Hole to put up some firewood for the hunting season. Aint retirement grand!
chimney is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!
and why did you have to say there are some real stones in there. you know i'm trying to find them. no luck so far. all i can determine is simalarities to the corners. i know they're all faux rock. i might need some clues..........
don really did a great job!
looks great!
What a beautiful home. I love the outdoors and hunting and fishing I can only dream of living a log home. I am glad you and your wife are making it a reality.
The house looks great and I am pleased that you obviously love it. I thank you for choosing a Beaver Mountain Log Home and I am glad that I had the opportunity to work with you!!
I am sure you will be snug and cozy in there as the winter falls upon us and the snow and wind blow around. Sincerely,
Joan Decker (remember me??)
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