Thursday, March 26, 2009

Another looney at the top

With great power comes great responsibility, the saying goes. However, it is becoming more and more apparent that those in positions of power, particularly in politics and religion need not necessarily be very intelligent.

A headline in the Daily Mail Online:

God won't protect humanity from environmental 'doomsday', warns Archbishop

This was in reference to the Archbishop of Canterbury speaking specifically about Climate Change. From what I can gather, he is saying that God wants us to pull ourselves back from the brink of Global Warming disasters for the sake of the poorest among us (Bangladesh and the island nation of Tuvalu in the Pacific Ocean are mentioned).

denying the reality of global warming was 'precisely the opposite of reasonable' in the face of rising sea levels and the need to understand how this was affected by rising temperatures.

Setting out the Christian argument for preserving the environment, Dr Williams attacked an 'unintelligent' and 'ungodly' view of the natural world.

He said intelligent life was not the 'triumphant imposition' of human will upon a 'defeated natural order,' but the 'reasoned discovery' of how we live in such a way as not to destroy a balance in the natural order.

Perhaps there's a teensy, tiny touch of hubris here in that the Archbishop's seems to believe that we mortal beings could muck up God's magnificent creation and that He needs our services to put it back together.

I like the comment at the above link:

Recently the Vicar looked over my garden wall and said "! isn't it amazing what we can do with a little help from God " I replied " you should have seen it when he had it all to himself" This Arch is a NUTTER.

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