Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Rain, lots of rain.

Sorry southeast. Sorry San Diego County. The rain is falling from St Louis, MO right on through Syracuse-Rome-Utica, NY. (I love putting those three city names in one lump like that.)

I'm glad I drove back to PA yesterday. If I had waited, I'd be in the middle of this mess that will be dropping 1 to 1.25 inches of rain here at the Aerie today and tonight.

So far in the month of October we have had 1.55, 0.85, 0.625 and 0.2 inches of rain, or 3.425 inches all together. While that may sound like a pretty good amount, the previous four months were well below average so the ground is just soaking this water up and is beginning to seep it back out again. There are several seeps on the hillside behind the Aerie that were dry all summer. They are once again "flowing" water upon the slope.

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