Friday, February 15, 2008

"Angry White Man"

Gary Hubbell had an interesting opinion piece in the Aspen Times Weekly a few days ago that is well worth reading: In election 2008, don’t forget Angry White Man

Not to nitpick, but I believe Mr. Hubbell has narrowed the field too much for the purpose of a captivating, eye-catching title. There are more than "white men" involved here is technically wrong on two counts:

1- He limits the anger to Men. There are many women out there who own businesses and have succeeded on talent and intelligence. They look at the deals Hillary has made in the past (Whitewater, cattle futures) and shake their heads. They look at the way she aided and abetted her husband's sexual proclivities and shake their fists. They refuse to be victims and take a strong, active role in business and in life.

2- He limits the perceived anger to Whites. Those who would like to see government get the hell out of the way since it clearly can not or will not lead aren’t just white, either. Which African-Americans are most directly impacted by the illegal immigrant set that keeps wages and benefits artificially low in entry level positions. The African-American has also been handed a bill of goods that says “you aren’t good enough” (that’s what “affirmative” action does) for years and many have begun to recognize this for so much hogwash. They refuse to be victims anymore and, as per Dr. King’s Dream, wish to be judged by their abilities.

That said, I really smiled when I read the last three paragraphs:

He also votes, and the Angry White Man loathes Hillary Clinton. Her voice reminds him of a shovel scraping a rock. He recoils at the mere sight of her on television. Her very image disgusts him, and he cannot fathom why anyone would want her as their leader. It’s not that she is a woman. It’s that she is who she is. It’s the liberal victim groups she panders to, the “poor me” attitude that she represents, her inability to give a straight answer to an honest question, his tax dollars that she wants to give to people who refuse to do anything for themselves.

There are many millions of Angry White Men. Four million Angry White Men are members of the National Rifle Association, and all of them will vote against Hillary Clinton, just as the great majority of them voted for George Bush.

He hopes that she will be the Democratic nominee for president in 2008, and he will make sure that she gets beaten like a drum.

True, so true. Nor do we need an empty suit full of glorious verbiage and eloquent speech (but damn little substance) just because he is half black.

h/t Glenn Reynolds of Instapundit

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A really excellent article, and your comments are dead-on. I sent the link to several people who I know will read it and shake their heads, all the while saying to themselves "I wish I'd said that!"