Monday, February 04, 2008

Super Bowl Commercials

Now to the important stuff: The Commercials.

Nothing truly great was on display last night but there were a few that got my attention.

The two e-Trade commercials with the baby at the keyboard were cute. Loved the little urp! at the end of the first one and the reference as to how the little tyke found the hired clown a bit...well, disturbing.

The play on The Godfather scene (front end of the car found under the sheets) took a little thinking. But the message was there at the end! “We’re out to control the luxury sports car scene. And don’t you forget it.” Audi division of VW?

The play on Rocky in which Hank, the Clydesdale is trained by the Dalmatian to become a member of the Budweiser team was cute.

The two tire commercials where the handling of the vehicle was demonstrated by 1-avoiding a squirrel while all the animals (and the wife) are screaming and 2-avoiding in order a buck deer, Alice Cooper and Richard Simmons were cute. (Although, I have to confess, I was screaming at the TV during the second one. Something about, “Hit him!, Hit him, godsdammit!” And it was it the buck or Cooper I was screaming about.) Don't remember the product, however. Bridgestone! It was Bridgestone Tires.

Go-Daddy commercials were lame. Don't remember much about them at all.

The Giant Mouse in the Doritos commercial was…predictable.

The Thanksgiving Parade balloons (Under Dog and the Kid from Family Guy?) fighting over the Coke was imaginative. But that Charlie Brown would actually win something…. Totally unrealistic!

Almost as unrealistic as Bill Frist and James Carville, sharing a Coke and a smile. Actually, that is plausible. I have to imagine some political critters do have a meeting of the minds outside the political arena and may even be friends and (as in Carville and his wife, Mary Matalin) lovers.

Those are the ones I remember the morning after. I figure, if I can’t remember them today, they must have really been...well, blah.

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