Being a new resident of the Keystone State and likely to be considered a flatlander for the rest of my days no matter what my behavior, this kinda, sorta hit close to home.
What Obama said about Pennsylvanians:
You go into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing's replaced them. And they fell through the Clinton administration, and the Bush administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not.
And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.
Now, as to what is being said about Obama:
Ace weighs in Obama To Rural Pennsylvanians: Vote For Me, You Corncob-Smokin', Banjo-Strokin' Chicken-Chokin' Cousin-Pokin' Inbred Hillbilly Racist Morons
And again: Great Day 2 Run-Down on Obama's Redneck Rampage Speech
From Just One Minute: I Was Born In A Small Town: “IT'S ABOUT JUDGMENT: Barack routinely lauds his good judgment in wanting to stay out of Iraq. Now let's see if he stays out of Pennsylvania.”
Lots of good links and comments too, including:
Rand Simberg at Terrestrial Musings: The Slow Descent Into Hell Read the whole thing including the comments (HALP US . The mid morning update brings you this: “This is turning out to be the Blazing Saddles election:
It's amazing how many lines from that movie work for this campaign.
The first question Obama got in Iowa
What's a dazzling urbanite like you doing in a rustic setting like this?
Explaining the Iowa caucus to newcomers
Now, I suppose you're all wondering just what in the heck you're doing out here in the middle of a prairie in the middle of nowhere in the middle of the night.
Crowd: You bet your ass.
Start at the beginning and work your way through the whole piece. Also read all the comments.
Micky Kaus at Slate: Cling Along with Barack : “I used to think working class voters had conservative values because they were bitter about their economic circumstances--welfare and immigrants were "scapegoats," part of the false consciousness that would disappear when everyone was guaranteed a good job at good wages. Then I left college. ...” he’s got more too.
It is not a very pretty sight when one witnesses a person of promise, even if only in his own mind, self destruct. Democrat implosion in 5…4…3…
I have refrained from saying much about this..I am gonna use it if and when he gets the nomination...and I hope a whole lot of people will do the same.
I think we are starting to see the true Obama surface as of late.
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