Friday, April 04, 2008

This is…mmm…cool

Global temperatures will drop slightly this year as a result of the cooling effect of the La Nina current in the Pacific, UN meteorologists have said.

Global warming 'dips this year'


Love the headline but I’ve one question: Does it refer to the temperature or the proponents of Global Warming?

I guess the “science” may be “settled” but ole Ma Nature hasn’t had her say yet.

There is always a “but”:

But experts say we are still clearly in a long-term warming trend - and they forecast a new record high temperature within five years.

The WMO points out that the decade from 1998 to 2007 was the warmest on record. Since the beginning of the 20th Century, the global average surface temperature has risen by 0.74C.

I’m curious as to how much they would be willing to wager on that little prediction. Will they come back five years from now and say, “Oops!” or merely make another five-year plan. Sorta like the USSR did with its economic plans right up to the end.

And the recorded rise in temperatures? Has nothing to do with the urban encroachment upon many of the temperature recording sites, though. Or the changing solar output. Nope, not a thing.

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