The brined turkey was excellent. Nice and moist, this plump 20 pound bird easily served five. (Six if you count the package put together for daughter Jessica.) There will be plenty of leftovers.
The table also contained venison, mashed white and candied sweet potatoes, asparagus, corn, cranberry sauce and, of course, gravy.
Once again, we have Brian and Vicky, Terry and Mom K.
We fielded phone calls from:
Son Rick in Eugene, Oregon as he attended a brunch given by his employer before he went back to the apartment to prepare the rest of T-day dinner for his fiancee Sandy, her sister and his future parents-in-law. (Yeah, he's the cook.)
Daughter Jessica who was on her way to a T-day dinner on Long Beach Island, NJ. She was bringing the candied sweet potatoes, a sweet potato pie and chocolate fudge. (Yeah, she's a pretty darn good cook, too.)
And last night Brian's Mom--Terry's sister--called from California.
Brian, Vicky and MomK took off for NJ around 2 PM so they will be able to do most of their driving in the daylight. Jessica may beat them to the Linden home or get their shortly after. Tomorrow Brian, Vicky and Mom will be heading to Atlantic City to do a little bit of gambling. Jessica will be heading out early to go to work at the Apple store at The Mall At Short Hills. Then late Saturday, Brian and Vicky start heading back to Chicago.
Terry and I will just sit here and veg for a couple of days. And digest our dinner.
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