Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Bolt Hole Report, AM edition

It's going to be one of those days here at the Bolt Hole. The guys say 40% chance of rain today which means we'll get about 20-25 minutes of shower activity every hour. Not the best conditions to be far from the cabin in case any of those are heavy showers. Still, there's stuff to do outside.

I already cleaned up all the phlox stems from last year's growth and noticed lots of green down at the base. I also noticed a lot of vole and mice tunnels and one or two nests down under the fallen stems. I came across the carcass of a grouse that must have crashed into the one window on that side of the cabin last fall. Not much left now but feathers and bones.

There's hardly a bit of a breeze outside. Barely enough to tickle the tips of the pine boughs. Be a good time to fell some more of the scotch pines as they are likely to fall where I plan they will and not where the wind directs them to.

Turkeys were back on the lawn this morning at 7 AM which confirms they roosted nearby during the night. I don't hear any clucking or gobbling so they're keeping a low profile.

Some flickers out there yakking up a storm and a few grouse still drumming away. A pair of brown headed cowbirds were up at the top of the maple tree outside the front door. They have a nice liquid song when they want to share it with you. Half a dozen chickadees supervised my clean-up work and I got buzzed by a robin that came around the corner at full speed about 8 feet off the ground. A couple of juncos were prospecting in the leaves along the side of the jeep trail that runs in front of the cabin. I spied the phoebe looking over the remnants of last year's nest. Probably trying to determine if it's repairable or if he should start over somewhere else.

Well, the sun is peeking out between the clouds and the trees won't fall by themselves so I better get outside and do some work. Later.

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