Thursday, April 02, 2009

Life with sister

Just sent this link to my younger sister and said that something must be wrong with the study.

Having a sister makes you happier and more optimistic, say psychologists

The opening lines of the article:
Growing up with at least one girl in the family also makes people more able to cope with their problems, according to the study.

Daughters tie loved ones closer together and encourage them to communicate their emotions more effectively, the researchers believe.

Well of course you become better at coping with problems...I mean, you've got through childhood having a sister around, didn't you?

And as for bring the rest of the family together...It's us against the she devil! (Just kidding sis! Really!)

Actually the article is kinda sweet in a saccharine sort of way. And, as they usually do, it beats up on the brother...a bit.

1 comment:

ruthann said...

....personally, i like that adjective, "younger". lol
i never had a sister but i can imagine that its pretty awesome huh? the internet sure comes up with some good articles!! have a good weekend all!