Monday, June 29, 2009

Bolt Hole Monday Evening Report

Spent almost the entire day inside reading and doing crossword puzzles. Not that the weather was bad, 'cause it wasn't. After a fitful morning of showers and chilly winds, the sun finally made an appearance around noon and remained present most of the day. A passing shower or two still soaked the ground in the mid to late afternoon, but the sun predominated. Why, it even sent the temperature soaring all the way up to 68 degrees as measured by my primitive, bi-metal, analog thermometer mounted in the shade of the north side of the cabin. A veritable heat wave!

Why wasn't it this cool when I had work to do?


It's back to the Aerie tomorrow (Tuesday) morning. First I'll have to finish up the milk and OJ and the last of the butter pecan ice cream and do the dishes which have accumulated in the sink. I'll check to see if the ATV's tire has held air. (It didn't do so in the interval between my visits but I had brought the air compressor for just such an eventuality.) I'll probably also see if the engine will turn over. The garage is a virtual terrarium since the front part of the roof leaks when it rains. Moisture condenses on every metal piece in there. I had to drain the lawn mower's carburetor and change the gasoline in the tank three times on Friday before it would start. Didn't have the any problems with the brish hog, however. It turned over on the first pull of the cord.


So it'll be back to the Aerie and my wi-fi connection for about two weeks. Then back to the Bolt Hole to do some more lawn work and fix the garage roof.

Man, this retirement is harder than it looked on paper!

1 comment:

Rev. Paul said...

It has been my experience that every retired person I know is far busier now than when they were working.

I know my turn's coming, too.