Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Tundra (Aerie) Report., December 29, 2009

The best words to hear form the service manager: "Of course, it's covered by your warranty."

The worst: "We don't have the part in stock. We've ordered it and it should be here tomorrow. We'll call you and set up a date."

I actually can't fully remember what the problem was. I think it was a bad air injector pump or something like that. The fact it wasn't going to cost me more than time made the rest of my mind slightly fuzzy in reception.

I blame the cold, cold temperatures.


The winds howled out of the north-northwest much of the night. By this morning the thermometer read just 6 degrees at 9 AM and never got above 16 degrees all afternoon despite a strong sun shining all day.


Rev. Paul said...

Okay, you can send those Anchorage-normal temps back up here. It's been too warm lately.

JDP said...

Joated you know it is all Al Gore's fault.