Saturday, May 07, 2011

More Plantings at the Aerie

I spent the better part of Friday afternoon planting six more shrubs along the edge of the Aerie's lawn. Two Spirea, two Lilacs, and two Burning bushes went in the ground with the help of the backhoe on the tractor. If I had had to dig the holes by hand, I'd still be at it. Lots and lots of rock, including one doozy that made me change the location of a planned hole because it was too freakin' huge!

Still have to do some seed planting but, after a morning of birding, I'm looking at some very, very dark thunderstorm clouds heading this way. We've already had a couple of very short but drenching showers--interspersed with bright sunshine, just to be interesting. Planting is off for today!

The forecast is looking good for the next few days--after 8 PM tonight. Once this front moves through, we should have mostly sunshine until Wednesday or so. The same is true up north at the Bolt Hole, though and I may opt to head up there for a couple of days to see if I can finish the rewiring. Or I could stick around and take advantage of the good weather to put some string bean, zuke and cuke seeds in the ground.

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