Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Irish Nursing Home Has a Pub

St Mary's Hospital in County Monaghan has opened a pub on its premises and finds it helps keep the patients’ …uh…spirits up.

It doesn’t surprise me that this is in Ireland. The pub is the center of social activities in even the smallest hamlet. Why not carry the idea into the health field. After all, we have pets visiting for feel-good time, why not an ale or two along with a game of darts.


Gun Trash said...

I linked this one, joated. It sorta ties in with the post I did on beer's health benefits. Plus, I've been in Irish pubs and it brought a few fond memories back. :-)

gregor said...

it's a well know fact that hospitals in Eire prescribe Guinness stout to nursing mothers...
best of both worlds...