Saturday, February 04, 2006

Wild Critters of the Adirondacks

Mark has been having a pretty good string of luck with the camera behind the garage in the Adirondacks. He has managed to get nice photos of a coyote, a fox and a fisher.

The coyote tripped the camera setting off the flash and then, according to his tracks in the snow, headed away very, very quickly. He has come back since but refuses to go anywhere near where the camera is set up. Instead, he lurks in the distance probably waiting for some small critter to get careless and provide him with a meal. Coyote 01.12.2052

Neither the fox nor the fisher appear to have been bothered by the flash going off. I really didn’t expect the fox would be. I’ve held a flash light on the adult and four or five kits when they wandered past the glass door of the cabin and they didn’t so much as jump or shy away from the light. The fox has shown up several times and on at least one occasion stayed in the target area after the first picture was taken. If you look at the time stamp, the fox has appeared in the evening. (A third photo not shown here was taken on January 30th at 19:55 hours.)
Fox 01.21.2228
Fox 02.01.2047

The fisher seems to love the camera and has pranced around the small clearing that forms the target area getting its picture taken again and again. One morning it got snapped at 7:32, 7:40, 8:02,8:08 and 8:10! What a camera hog!
Fischer  01.22.0732
Fischer  01.22.0740
And the flash didn’t seem to bother the critter either.
It came back on February 1st at 3:32 AM.
Fischer  02.01.0332

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