Monday, June 11, 2007

Idle thoughts for a cool day at the Aerie

I’m sitting here awaiting a call from my mechanic to let me know what’s wrong with the truck’s electrical system and how much it’s going to cost to get it fixed. (In another hour or so, I’ll call him.) meanwhile, I’m surfing the web reading all my regular stops and a few more. Everyone seems to have just two things on their mind: 1) What’s up with the ending of The Sopranos? and 2) How could President Bush be so dumb as to continue to push for the Comprehensive Immigration Reform bill (S. 1348)?

Never having watched even one episode of The Sopranos (which is a terrible thing to say for a 57 year resident of New Jersey) I cannot comment on that issue. Why haven’t I watched it? No HBO, that’s why. I dropped that movie package many years ago when 1) the price via Cablevision grew disproportionate to my viewing the crappy movies they were showing and 2) they continued to show crappy movies. When they made the switch to original programming, I could have picked it up again, but the cost factor continued to be a deterrent when so many other cable channels were part of the basic package. I’d much rather watch TNT, TBS, Sci-Fi, etc. than many of the “cutting edge” stuff they had on anyway. I don’t need to hear the language or view the absurdity of most of the HBO or Showtime shows anyway. Oh, sometimes it means I'm out of the loop when people start discussing some of the more popular shows and movies that appear on these channels, but I never watched Friends either and I don't miss them.

As for the Immigration bill…. Well, I just don’t understand the reluctance of the President or the Senate to just let this monstrosity die. There are so many things about this bill that are flawed that it is unbelievable they think it can be fixed. It needs to be completely scrapped. All the meaningful polls show that the citizens of this country can clearly see that it is a travesty. Calls to virtually every Senator’s office are 90-95% against the damned thing. We have laws on the books now that need to be enforced and a wall that has been authorized that needs to be constructed. (Funny how that bill about the wall got passed just prior to the mid-term elections just a few short months ago but now the Senate is looking to find ways out of completing it or circumventing the premise of its construction.) This land was founded on the principle of representative government. If the duly elected representatives aren’t going to listen to those who elected them, then maybe, just maybe, it is time for another revolution in this land.

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