Saturday, February 07, 2009

No TV for me!

I've stopped watching TV. With the football season ended there's not much I want to watch anyway. You can only watch so many episodes of "The Deadliest Catch" or "Axe Men" any way. I was getting very, very jealous of the folks on the Outdoor Channel. I mean some of those deer they've killed look like they were on 'roids for years! There's Michael Waddell and the Bone Collector crew and Jim Shockey's Hunting Adventures and others who are out here living a dream. And just how do a young couple like Lee and Tiffany Lakosky (and here) make enough money hunting full time to, well, hunt all the time? I don't want to watch...I want to BE these guys.

As for "24",the only show I watched regularly last year, well, as soon as I heard that Garifolo was going to be a regular(?) I kinda lost interest. Good thing, too, as The One has preempted the show a couple times already.

See that's a problem. If I'm watching TV, I'm usually channel surfing during the commercials. If I hit the wrong button at the wrong time I could end up seeing The One or one of his sycophants like Chrissy Matthews or Keith Olbermann. And that could cost me a TV. Luckily, the cable system I'm tied into has nearly all the news channels at the high end of the numbers so it's unlikely that I would accidentally stumble upon MSNBC or CNN. Even Fox News is not on the beaten path (i.e. between Outdoor Channel and ESPN and ESPN2).

So I sit and read (I'm going through the entire Terry Prachett library--or at least the Discworld portion there of. (Quite the distinguished looking author is Sir Terrance. Handsome devil.) I'm up to Maskerade right now) do crossword puzzles (from books as I don't buy the newspapers) and surf the internet.

At least that's what I'm doing when I'm not in the workshop. I've got a couple of projects lined up. There's some bird houses to make and a few Christmas presents to start on. (Intarsia can take awhile.)


Rev. Paul said...

(Quite the distinguished looking author is Sir Terrance. Handsome devil.)

You're quite the clever - and distinguished looking - author yourself. And of course the fact that you & Mr. Prachett look like brothers has nothing to do with that ...

Not bad, sir!

joated said...

I just wish I had one tenth the published books that my doppelganger non-acquaintance has.

GUYK said...

I keep the Fox cable channel on in my office most of the time...or else click on one of the cable music stations. I seldom watch TV of any other kind excepting sports

Anonymous said...

"Christmas gifts to start on"....i hear that your favorite sister just loves homemade Christmas gifts!!!! she likes birdhouses too ... or so i hear!!

joated said...

Jeez, Ruthann! You're about as subtle as a Louisville Slugger to the left ear.