Sunday, February 22, 2009


Obama aims to control 'exploding' deficits

This headline made my head ache this morning.

We've just seen the passage of a "stimulus" bill that will increase the deficit by at the least $750 Billion, GM and Chrysler come back to DC with their hands out asking for more, a plan for Billions of dollars to help deadbeat and or idiotic mortgage borrowers and their enablers in the banking industry, etc., etc, etc. all before the government budget is even discussed and NOW he wants to control/cut the deficit?

It's akin to an addict promising to control his/her drug use while not actually going into rehab or taking any steps to quit.

1 comment:

JihadGene said...

You are absolutely right! I almost gagged when the punk said he would not tolerate any wasteful spending. Unfortunately he has an army of welfare sucking haemophagic leeches backing his every play. I can't help but feel pissed off with this new President of ours.