Thursday, March 25, 2010

I didn't say it was a warm spring...

It dropped to 23 degrees overnight. As might be expected, there's a pretty heavy frost on all outdoor surfaces and the windows of the bedroom had condensation on the inside. (Yeah, I exhale that nasty greenhouse gas water vapor as well as CO2. Sue me.)

There were robins in the trees bitching about the cold. Just proves the early bird sometimes gets the frozen entree instead of a juicy worm.

The woodburners kept the house comfortable overnight.Inside it only dropped to 60 degrees in the kitchen. (Down from 70 when I went to bed.)

The four sunny days previously promised by seem to have been as lasting as a politicians promise. They now say today will have increasing cloudiness with a chance of late day showers. Tonight those showers may become snow with a low in the teens. *sigh*

1 comment:

Rev. Paul said...

Okay, so you're colder than Anchorage again; I suspect that brings you no satisfaction.

The robins failed to learn the rest of the lesson: the early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese. Sometimes it pays to wait. ;^)