Friday, December 09, 2005

Former Pres. Clinton to Speak In Montreal: Why?

The AP reporter (whom I shall not name) piles it on about the former Pres. “championing” the 1997 Koyoto Protocols. But there is no bias here.
Yeah, William Jefferson Clinton “championed” it so well that he never sent it to Congress for ratification. Slick Willy wanted it both ways. He wanted to look like the “environmental President” while at the same time doing no harm to the economy that was chugging along nicely without much input from the Whitehouse. He knew that Kyoto was bad policy when he had AL Gore sign it and let it quietly lie on his desk for two years.

When Bush took over in 2000, straight talker that he is, he had the cajones to call a spade a spade when asked about Koyoto. For telling the truth, G.W.B. gets labeled the bad boy.

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