Saturday, November 17, 2007

More trouble for the "settled" science
of ACC*

(*Anthropomorphic Climate Change)

Over at Ace of Spades the Purple Avenger has posted this:

NASA: Arctic ocean changes may not be due to global warming which links to this report: NASA Sees Arctic Ocean Circulation Do an About-Face which contains some interesting observations.

Coupled with the item on la Nina I posted about yesterday I can’t help but think things will get very interesting in the next couple of years.

Is there a warranty with the Nobel Prize? You know, just in case it really is all hooey?

[BTW: The temps at the Aerie stayed right at 28 degrees all night and there was a dusting of snow on the ground this morning. As noon approaches it has warmed all the way to 33 degrees.]


GUYK said...


Do you remember about thirty years ago when these sumbitches were screaming we were all gonna die because of global cooling and they swore there wuz an ice age coming on..hell, thats why so many people moved to Florida..

joated said...

I remember it well. I was just starting my teaching career at the time, Guy. In Earth Science. The science of the day was that the new Ice Age would be triggered by--wait for it--the melting of the Arctic Ocean's ice cover.

The theory was that if the Arctic Ocean wasn't covered by ice, there would be more evaporation and precipitation along the shores. Exactly like the lake effect snows on the shores of lakes Erie and Ontario. When enough snow accumulated on the shores of the Arctic--in the exact places the last Ice Age began--it (the snow) wouldn't all melt before the next winter's accumulation would occur. Inch by inch, foot by foot, the snow would pile up until it compressed into ice. Heavy snows of the late 60's and early 70's coupled with the thinning of the Arctic Ice were supposed to be proof that this was beginning to happen.