Wednesday, January 09, 2008


“Heh,” indeed. From a link at Glenn Reynolds’ Instapundit: Voter cited by opponents of Indiana's ID law registered in two states.

Something tells me this is not going to help their argument before the Supreme Court. The opponents' attorneys need to go back to learn how to research their "clients" better. And this woman is in deep doo-do for claiming homestead rebates in both Indiana and Florida. What a bunch of maroons!


GUYK said...

I have a suspicion that there is a lot of this going on in Florida..I know some that are claiming homestead exemption yet don't come to Floida on election years until after the Nov election because they want to vote in a state up north..and I figure there are also those who cast absentee ballots in one state and then vote here..

joated said...

Yeah, if I remember correctly, New York CITY found between 400 and 1000 folks registered in both NY and FL. (Might explain why Gore was so sure he won in 2000.)