Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Dancing Bird

Joan of Argghh! was wondering what species of bird that was doing the moonwalk. I found a slightly longer clip that included the intro to the little dance and the common name of the perpetrator. It's a red-capped manikin (Pipra mentalis) from Central America.


Joan of Argghh! said...

Thanks! This is soooo cool!

I've made an update and link. Look out for an Arghalanche!


Anonymous said...

Arghalanche initiated. I can't improve upon Joan's comment, so I'll just echo it:

"Thanks! This is soooo cool!"

(Sorry about the plagiarism, Joan.)

Randy said...

That's great! Thanks

Anonymous said...

Amazin' boid.

Gecko said...

My parrot watched this three times and is practicing the slide. He says "I love it". Me too.