Monday, January 25, 2010

Our National Anthem

I get lots of stuff from my Florida cousins. Most of it is sappy forwarded emails that I read and then delete (I'm not much for forwarding stuff). Occasionally they send me stuff that I DO want to share. Here's one:

This young man (age 7) sings the National Anthem at a college basketball game.

Remember: He's just SEVEN years old. The song is difficult to sing. (That's why the pros play around with it so damn much.) He sings it straight and hits all the notes. Just like it should be.


Rev. Paul said...

I am a classically-trained musician, and want to tell you ... that boy nailed it. I'm impressed by his fidelity to pitch & key. VERY good.

Joan of Argghh! said...

Yes, he did a fine job!