Thursday, February 25, 2010

Aerie Birds: Northern Cardinal

The Northern Cardinal is a warm, welcome sight on a cold and snowy winter's day; which is probably why it appears on so many Christmas Cards. Even the female, in her much more subdued colors, brightens up the day.

We have one pair who come to the feeders regularly though usually in the very early or very late hours so that their colors don't give them away. My hanging feeders do not have a large enough landing space so they are usually going to feed on the ground or on the tray.

Female Northern Cardinal

Female Northern Cardinal

Female Northern Cardinal

Male Northern Cardinal

Male Northern Cardinal

Male Northern Cardinal

1 comment:

threecollie said...

Your bird photos over the past couple of days are wonderful. The cardinals are so welcome! We had two males fighting here about a fire storm.
And you nailed the weather forecast, storming like crazy!