Thursday, February 10, 2011

Aerie Fowl: Blue Jay

Frequent (and often noisy) visitors to the feeders, the Blue Jay often bullies the smaller birds away from the trays. The Jays are too large to feed by perching on the stick feeders, however, so there's enough for all.

For all their bullying ways, they are the first to leave if I put my coat on and step outside. They'll also sound the alarm should a stray cat or hawk wander into the area.

Their bright blue color in the winter landscape is a pleasant reminder that all is not just shades of black, white and gray.

We have a small flock of between six and eight Jays that often comes in to the feeders together. Male and female are identical in size and color. The Blue Jay is a year-round resident and seldom will fly very far from its nesting area.

Blue Jays at the deck tray feeder.

Blue Jay claims the feeder as its property.

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