Sunday, December 14, 2008

More birds at the feeders

About the time the NY Jets were marching for their first TD in today's game against the Buffalo Bills, I looked out the kitchen window and noticed we had some dinner guests out by the bird feeders. That's not so unusual but these could have been dinner guests of a different sort.

Wild turkeys are becoming frequent visitors again. A couple of days ago a flock of 15 or 16 marched up the hill without stopping. Yesterday a group of 10 or 12 came over to the feeders but, not finding the snow depth to their liking, they moved on. Today's group, apparently all old Toms based upon their long beards, were happy that I had shoveled some of the snow and scattered seed for the Juncos and Mourning Doves. They also spent some time scratching under the feeders for seeds that had been buried in the ice. They hung around for quite awhile--until Terry sneezed in her sewing room. Then they meandered off into the woods.

Wild Turkeys under the feeders.

The long beards (feather growths on their chests that hang down) indicate that these are some pretty old Toms.

Turkeys are not the only game birds to approach the Aerie's feeders.

Mourning Doves are also abundant at the feeders. Most of them feed on the ground or on the deck where the tray feeder has no roof over it.


JDP said...

Is it turkey season???


joated said...

You're kidding, right?

The season ended about a month ago and these turkeys know it! The get regular updates on the game laws and know them better than I do. (The one day they showed up when it was legal to shoot...I thought the season had closed the week before.)

Right know there are a couple of truly huge flocks feeding in one farmer's fields. The hens and young number more than a hundred in the two groups I've seen recently. Here at the Aerie we]ve had one group of hens and young that numbers around 17 and another group of good ole boy Toms that number about 5.