Saturday, September 17, 2005

Happy Birthday To Me

Today is my birthday and, while I don't particularly get hung up on age, let's just leave it at that.

I was just going to spend the day around the house doing nothing special but ended up sweeping acorns off the deck, the driveway and the front walk.

I walked out to the garden and found the tomatoes gone. At least one set of deer tracks led up the side of the yard to the garden and meandered through the tomato plants. Jess said there were lots of small grape tomatoes out there but I found only one red one and one partially red one. All the others were...phhytt...gone.


...just-rambling... said...

Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Agnes said...

Happy birthday to you Joated. I was tagged by the Birthday Blog and decided I should share with others who share my day. :)

I hope your day is peaceful and happy.

Anonymous said...

happy birthday to you
happy birthday to you
happy birthday dear brother(older one at that!)
happy birthday to you!!!

...and many more!!!!