Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Offler is here.

Great. Offler , the Crocodile God of Disc World has made his appearance on Earth.

Statue of runaway crocodile put up in Azov Sea city

This is how it begins. Someone or some small group of ones takes it into their head that someone or something needs to be worshipped and WHAM! you've got a god. (Small "g" at first.)

I already know Bilious (the Oh God of Hangovers) is here. I’ve met him a time or two and called his name while offering up sacrifices to the porcelain bowl. Apparently, so have some of the folks from the Spring BlogFest East. Ahem, Erica, Gregor . Chocolate vodka can do that to ya. So will Scotch on the rocks or Irish Dark Ale.

How many more of these Disc World deities have already taken up residence?

(h/t Jungle Trader)


Gun Trash said...

I got off the juice a few years back, but in my time and in my many travels for the Air Force, I sampled a lot of different alcoholic concoctions. Some good, some not so good.

However, I have never tried or heard of chocolate vodka but imagine that would be quite tasty going down, but a drink with a hellish price to be paid if you overindulged. %\

Jess said...

I brought some very yummy vanilla rum to D*Con last year. It tasted like white cake. :D

I must say that most definitely Anoia (goddess of Things That Stick in Drawers) has manifested...