Friday, January 16, 2009

Speaking of Jean Shepherd...

By now everyone has probably heard about the 10-year old in Hammond, Indiana who stuck his tongue to a metal lamp post. It's the sort of story that will make you smile. (If you're not the kid with the bleeding tongue!)

In an obvious--and admitted--attempt to emulate duplicate the playground scene from the movie, a young boy sticks his tongue out and touches a metal lamp post when the temperatures are slightly further south than Al Gore's science knowledge--which, it should be apparent by now, is nil or less. The boy's tongue gets stuck and the ambulance has to be called.

Anyway, the punchline of the story is the final line in the short article. It's a line that would have made Jean Shepherd laugh out loud.

"The 1983 movie is set in a fictional city that is based upon Hammond, the hometown of Jean Shepherd."

Next thing you know the kid will want a Red Rider BB gun.

Hey kid, you'll shoot yer eye out.

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