Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Speaking of Aerie Weather

A fine rain started falling around 4 AM. The sound of water dripping in the drain pipe (and the hooting of a Barred Owl--"Who? Who? Who cooks for you all?") woke me up at that time, but I managed to fall back to a fitful sleep until nearly 8 AM. This weekend warrior stuff can produce some seriously stiff muscles!

4AM. That was the original rain forecast before they started to hedge their bets with the earlier times. Looking at the radar it seems we could have had earlier rain IF we were just 30 miles west of here. Some darker greens mixed with yellow and even red passed through Potter County much earlier. We, who are just east of Route 15 on the other hand, were in a slot of light rain and scattered showers. It's a little after 9 AM, 43 degrees, and still spritzing off and on. That might last all day which will give me a good long nap time before the Photography Club meeting tonight. (I will have to stir a little so as to go vote in the primary for Governor--if I can figure out where the polling place is. There's a definite dearth of voting literature in the mail around here.)

I've said it before, weather forecasting in the Northern Tier is a spotty proposition. So many hills and valleys do their own thing; create their personal micro-climates that it's difficult to make a pinpoint forecast. The steep slopes can cause storms to be sliced and diced until they're dispersed. You can watch it happen on the radar. You can also see isolated T-storms move through the valley parallel to the ridges that form the Northern Tier of PA and Southern Tier of NYS remain intact--as long as they stay small.

It's a fascinating--and, at times, frustrating--phenomenon.

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