Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Monarch Butterflies Fueling Up

We walked the road in front of the Bolt Hole to see what damage may have occurred just east of us. We could see quite a few large poplars/aspens partially or completely blown over but what we saw in the field of goldenrod across from our cabin made us stop in awe.

Amongst the bright yellow flower spikes of the goldenrod were dozens and dozens of monarch butterflies. They were obviously feeding and waiting for a favorable tailwind to fly further south on their annual migration. Each butterfly looked like it was just out of its chrysalis as it sported bright colors and unblemished wings.

Field of Goldenrod
Click to enlarge and see the orange and black dots that are monarch butterflies.

Feeding/resting Monarchs
Just two of the many, many butterflies in the field.

And to think, on the way up, I had commented to Terry about not seeing many monarchs in flight. Guess they’re just fueling up.

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