Shovel, rake and implements of destruction. Well, a wheelbarrow and hand truck, anyway.
The small pile of dirt will be moved from here after about 10 months. It started as a dump truck load and is down to just 6 or 8 wheelbarrows full.
Here’s where I intend to put the dirt.

The beginnings of a small rock wall behind which I've planted some zucchini, liatris (not yet emerged) and some climatis. Hopefully there will be enough room for the soil.
Four hours later and the job is finished.

I built up the small wall to about 18 inches in height and 10 feet in length. This is where the hand truck came in handy. Hauling the larger stones would have been a back breaker without it. There was almost enough room for all the soil. Two wheelbarrows full were dumped in a shallow depression just to the left of this photo.

No more dirt pile. All the dirt has been moved. Before the dirt arrived we actually had some grass growing here. Now I would need an army of ants with little jack hammers to plant the seed and another with tiny watering cans to keep the seeds watered. It's 1) packed pretty hard and 2) quite dry. I suppose I will have to make another attempt at growing some grass here, but that can wait until fall.
Your rock wall is looking good!
You forgot the aerial photographs with circles and arrows, and map on the back of each one, explaining what each one is ... (thanks, Arlo!)
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