We on the bride’s side all got to meet the groom and the groom’s family all got to meet the bride. Relatives who hadn’t seen one another in years got to renew acquaintances and catch up on the past. Some who had been little kids the last time they were seen had grown to adulthood and some of us who were middle aged when last we met lied and said we were still middle aged only now with more time on our hands since retirement.
While we were all together, we also celebrated the bride’s Grandmother’s birthday. That would be Terry’s Mom. Cecelia will be 85 years old in two weeks and looks and acts at least 10 years—maybe 20 years—younger.

The mother of the bride, Lucille, and one of her Carolina cousins, Lorraine.

The Bride (Laura) and Groom (Joe) with two from NJ (Pat M. and Nancy R.).

Grandma K. gets surprised. “But it’s not my birthday yet! Next month! Next month!”

Terry and Lucille try to explain to their Mom why the cake is for her and just how surprised she looked.
We all had a good time getting reacquainted and all too soon the good folks at Kuleto’s were shooing us out the door as it was time for them to close up.
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