Friday, October 09, 2009


Jeeze! I knew they were having as difficult time finding someone who deserved the Nobel Peace Prize, but this selection is just plain ludicrous:

Barack Obama Wins Nobel Peace Prize

President Obama was awarded the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize Friday for his work to improve international diplomacy and rid the world of nuclear weapons -- a stunning decision to celebrate a figure virtually unknown in the world before he launched his campaign for the White House nearly three years ago.
And what, exactly has he accomplished along those lines? I mean besides signaling the world that he hates the USA? He and his followers have spent the US into indenturedness to the Chinese. He's angered our friends AND foes alike. He's watched on the sidelines (so far) as North Korea and now Iran developed nuclear weapons.

Other than that he has talked...and talked...and talked...

Oh, wait. He did all those things AFTER he took office. Perhaps they don't count since there's this little tidbit:
Though Obama's name surfaced early among contenders, the announcement stunned observers -- and drew gasps from the audience in Oslo -- in part because Obama assumed office less than two weeks before the Feb. 1 deadline for nominations.
(The emphasis is mine.)

Read that again: "Obama assumed office less than two weeks before the Feb. 1 deadline for nominations."

Meaning 1) He was nominated for the Peace Prize because of his rhetoric on the campaign trail and not any real accomplishments because he had no venue from which to accomplish a damn thing until he was installed in office. Or 2) So hard up for candidates was the committee that they chose to ignore their own rules and select someone who at least didn't murder anyone recently.

The Nobel Prizes in the hard sciences (Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Medicine, etc.) are quite prestigious. Those in the arts and political sphere are more often than not a joke. And this one is a big, fat flop.

Hey, maybe now he can help out his half brother in Kenya, or keep his promise to the village over there to help with their school. $1.4 million would go a long way.


threecollie said...

He hasn't done anything now either, even with all those months in office under his belt. I was stunned by this and appalled for the other folks who have won the award, which has now been rendered less than meaningless.

Rev. Paul said...

This just in: he won in the category of "Not George Bush".