Tuesday, March 03, 2009


Here at the Aerie it dropped down to 2°F at 7:30 AM. (It's into the negative numbers up at the Bolt Hole. The nearest Weather Underground station has the temp at -2.5°F and the cabin is usually five or so degrees cooler.) The temperature had been falling since around 3 PM Monday when it peaked at 12°F. We also had a very light dusting of snow overnight. Just enough snow fell to coat the surfaces of the deck and lawn although the grass blades still are very evident. It wind has died down for the moment and the sun is struggling to shine through the mostly cloudy sky.


Rev. Paul said...

AccuHunch tells us we'll have sunshine & clear skies this morning. So, naturally, it's snowing.

Rev. Paul said...

By the way, I linked to this post in my morning meandering.